Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Here I am Again.......

Apologies to you dearest blog. I almost forgot that you existed......oh how that would be a very sad day. It has come to my attention that without children, a digital camera and a life there is not much to blog about. However, I will prevail. I will find something.........I MUST. :)

Typical day today....did not want to get out of bed, but the alarm finally shut off after "alarming" if you will, seven times. "Wow. Erin, you stink at getting up." "Yes, yes, I know. Thank you Casey."

I ate my nice bowl of honey nut cheerios......the cheap brand....and headed off to school to teach kindergartners about animal identification. It was nice and fun. Due to illness, I did not go to my next class, but rather ate lunch with my grandma. Great woman. She fed me, gave me dessert, and even sent me packing with flowers in hand. :) I love her.

Went to work, went home, ate dinner, worked on homework way above my comprehension level.........

Right now? Taking a short break.......

I need ice cream or something.

Depressing blog.....sorry folks. :(

I will have a much better one soon.

VACATION IN 23 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jessie Nash said...

Erin you crack me up! So funny!!

Casey & Erin said...

oh gosh....thanks.
