Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ahh the joys of life...

I know I have not blogged in a long time, but I have not had a chance to really stop and breath the craziness we both like to call life.

We just got back from Irvine, California where Casey had an interview for Medical School. Let me tell you......this place was posh! If we wanted to move here.......I think I would need to buy a Beamer. Although it was great to visit this place, we really do not think this is where God wants us.
God has given us both a huge heart for serving the under served and Irvine just really is not that place.

However, it was a great trip, full of fun, sun, homework and....well........interviews. :)

Pictures below....

I may not blog for a few days - it is dead week and I am most certainly dead. he he Anywho....I will be a college graduate soon. THANK YOU LORD!


Ness101 said...

Yay, she blogs! Ya know, I think there are some under served in Portland.... *go there, go there* /end subliminal message lol. :) I miss you Erin! I am putting all my hopes into April!

Casey & Erin said...

All my eggs are in that basket. :).....the april with you basket that is..