Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday: Possible case of Swine flu on WOU campus....CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS _ EVERYONE GET OUT_RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

Monday: School Cancelled - we all might get swine flu and die - waiting to hear if it went from "probable" to "certain"

Monday afternoon: Student at WOU confirmed to have Swine Flu.

Monday Evening: WOU re-opens.

Can someone explain??

ha ha ha ha ha they are not even going with their own logic. I love it when people panic over nothing, realize it and then want to fix the problem. ha ha ha


Ness101 said...

hahaha the classic case of the media making the teeniest tiniest thing into the next great disaster! I particularly love when they decide to do some "24 hour storm watch" on the news for a 30 mph wind. Any excuse for a headline I guess.

Ness101 said...

P.S. This blog entry needs a title. Get on that would you? lol