Thursday, July 8, 2010

Okay, I have sucked so badly at blogging! I have so much to share.....

stay tuned....

or check out my facebook. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We have moved back!

ha ha ha we moved to the other site so we could be use it in mexico....come to find out that does not work in mexico.....only this site does. ha ha we are a live and well.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We have moved to a new location

Add us so we can see your blog and we can see yours!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I need a teaching job. Anyone know anyone in Portland area involved with the schools?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just life......

Well folks, I am officially graduated! WHOHOO! Now.....I never have to go to school again! Well, at least not for about ten years. :) My job has been wonderful and continues to be great but will end April 30th. Casey's will as

As of right now we are hoping to go to Mexico. Not sure when departure will be, but ideally in may.

Hm.....that's all for now :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Seven days from today I will be a college graduate. I will have my Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. As of next week I will not have homework daunting my every thought, writing assignments cosuming my life and dinner while I am driving. Change is coming and I am excited.

Another change that is coming, as most of you know, is that Casey is going to medical school. Soon we will be making a choice that will impact the next four years of our life. So many people have said, "Four years is not that long!" In the scope of things it is not, but four years is not something I am willing to waste. We want to serve the Lord and do so whereever we have been called, we are not just picking a place to stop in.....I hope that makes sense. So, where ever we do end up chosing, please know a tremendous amount of prayer was put into it.

Oh wait, another change! I am currently working at a tax office and will be doing so full time until April 30th. Casey is currently working at a lab on OSU campus and his job will be completed on April 15th. Although I can substitue starting May 1st, God has put it on Casey and I's heart to travel to Tijuana. Casey has been down there too many times to count and while down there works at a drug rehabilitation center that a church runs. I have been down there once and (obviously) have a huge heart of children. Our plan so far, if God so desires, is to spend about four weeks working with the families of the church we are partners with, helping at an orphanage and organizing medical recards at the drug rehab center. Please pray for us as we have many choices to make.

Guess what? ANOTHER CHANGE! We are moving. We are not ready to announce and have not made a final decision on where we are headed, but we will be moving soon. If we do in fact go to Mexico, we will move in June or July, however if we do not end up going we may be moving sooner.

Gosh, God is good. Life is forever changing and will continue to change but one thing that we continue to rely on is His love. Thank you for all your prayers and please know that we pray for all of you!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ahh the joys of life...

I know I have not blogged in a long time, but I have not had a chance to really stop and breath the craziness we both like to call life.

We just got back from Irvine, California where Casey had an interview for Medical School. Let me tell you......this place was posh! If we wanted to move here.......I think I would need to buy a Beamer. Although it was great to visit this place, we really do not think this is where God wants us.
God has given us both a huge heart for serving the under served and Irvine just really is not that place.

However, it was a great trip, full of fun, sun, homework and....well........interviews. :)

Pictures below....

I may not blog for a few days - it is dead week and I am most certainly dead. he he Anywho....I will be a college graduate soon. THANK YOU LORD!